First question here.
Attention-getting action in the first 3 seconds.
Music that loops and doesn't distract.
Short total length of 45-90 seconds.
Hook to a story in the first 10 seconds.
Bold and colorful preview thumbnail.
Edit your Facebook newsfeed preferences to show selected pages first.
Visit the pages you like every day.
Use an app with page and time filters to display the latest content.
Good eye!
Mobile is a big factor in social media. The vertical portrait orientation photo fits a mobile screen much better than the horizontal landscape. In one week of testing, the portrait photo got 979 likes, 21 comments and 59 shares — compared to the landscape photo with 224 likes, 9 comments and 1 share. Portrait mode photos are the big winner!
Smart choice!
Facebook prioritizes video that is uploaded directly versus video shared from another source, like YouTube or Vimeo. Facebook’s native video plays automatically instead of requiring a tap like YouTube or Vimeo. A study of 6 million posts in 2017 showed Facebook native video reaches more 2x more people and averages 168% more interactions and 478% more shares. Uploading video to Facebook makes sense!
Now you're cooking!
If you post too infrequently, your audience will forget that you exist. However, if you post too often, you can become a nuisance and your audience will see your posts overcrowding their feed. Recent research shows that posting twice a day gets optimum results. Social marketing tools like Post Planner let you set up and automate your posting schedule.
The top of the hour is such a loaded event for appointments and meetings. During the last ten minutes of the hour, those meetings and engagements are wrapping up—which makes it prime time for checking phones. Our posting experience has given us the best results just before the top of the hour.
Almost all Facebook videos are watched in the newsfeed on a mobile device. Which means they are watched in the context of scrolling—which means the scrolling needs to be stopped to get a video watched in full. The best way to stop a user from scrolling past your video is to GET THEIR ATTENTION, and KEEP THEIR ATTENTION. Videos with compelling intros, story hooks, and short lengths do both!
How do you stay abreast of timely content to make sure you’re catching the stories relevant to your fanbase? A great start is to follow the most important people and brands in your industry on social media! But content curation apps are helpful too. We use Post Planner’s filter to gather and display the most important stories of the past 48 hours from any of the Facebook pages in our saved feeds.
Videos are clearly the top performing visual content (and content of any type) on social media in terms of reach and engagement. Photos reach 15-20 people for every like the photo gets, while videos reach 75-100 people for every like the video gets. So videos reach five times as many people for each engagement they garner. (That said, it’s still good to mix in other content types and experiment with all types.)
Numerous studies show that women use social media more than men. One study shows that women make up 64% of Facebook users, 58% of Twitter users, and 68% of Instagram users. Pinterest wins, hands down, with 82% women users.
Twitter wins the mobile race. Their short message format is ideal for the small screen. In 2017, 82% of Twitter users logged in on mobile devices, and mobile accounted for 86% of their ad revenue. Facebook is more ambidextrous: 79% of their users accessed the app from a mobile device, but 56% of their users are exclusively mobile only. Mobile accunted for 75% of Facebook’s ad revenue. The bottom line is that the social media audiences are increasingly on mobile devices.
calculating your SMIQ score...
*social marketing quotient
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